Mind-Body Skills Groups

Join a virtual and participatory trauma-informed mind-body skills group led by Heron Diana. These educational and structured life-changing groups utilize the principles of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine to reduce stress and cultivate balance. You will learn skills that allow you to manage stress, enhance well-being, increase self-awareness, develop effective coping skills, and create optimum health.

What is a Mind-Body Skills Group?
"Mind-Body Skills Groups offer a powerful and effective combination of research-based healing therapies to help participants deal with life changes, stress, and illness in an intimate and supportive group setting. The groups are small, usually 8-10 people, which allows for a deeper level of connection, sharing, and support. All of the groups meet at a set day and time for 2 hours each week for either 8, 10, or 12 weeks. This provides an opportunity for participants to begin to integrate the mind-body skills into their lives with the support of the group to help them work through any difficulties along the way.

What skills are taught in a Mind-Body Skills Group?
Mind-Body skills groups are highly experiential and integrate techniques such as Meditation, Guided Imagery, Autogenic training, Breath Work, Movement, Journal Writing, Drawing and other approaches into a supportive group environment.

What if I already practice some mind-body skills, like imagery or meditation? Would a group still be helpful for me?
Yes! Even if you have worked with Meditation or Imagery or another mind-body skill, a group can still be extremely helpful. Groups offer a supportive atmosphere and an exploration of many mind-body approaches, which often add a deeper dimension to an existing practice, or a desire to incorporate a new skill into that practice. Also, the group is designed not only to teach mind-body skills, but also to help participants develop a deeper level of awareness in everyday experiences and, as a result, an increased ability to cope with the emotional, physical and psychological challenges that face us in our daily lives."

(Thank you to the Center for Mind-Body Medicine for the above descriptions.)

"The Center [for Mind-Body Medicine] is a prototype, combining compassion and community with scientific understanding. In its programs people are healed and inspired, in body, mind and spirit.”
—Joan Borysenko, PhD

Eight week course is $335. There is a commitment required to attend all sessions. Sliding scale always available.


Contact Heron directly to join these sessions or to find out more information.